Born and raised in Warsaw, Poland. My father was a journalist and the chief director of a printing company. My mother was a proofreader at one of Poland’s most widely distributed newspapers. I migrated to America in the early 90s, and after completing high school I enlisted in the U.S. Army as an “Information Systems Analyst.” I served during the 9/11 attacks, completed a tour in Korea, participated in two “Operation Iraqi Freedom” deployments, and worked as an AIT (Advanced Individual Training) instructor.
It was during those years that I began creating various works under the project name “HexiBase,” which is stylized shorthand for “basis of sixes” derived from the prefix “hexa.” It was a cryptic reference to hexadecimal notation used by trackers, which were the precursors to the modern day audio samplers. (I was also a part time DJ and an amateur turntablist.) has been registered for nearly two decades, operating in one form or another, having once served as a platform for my music, a blog, and a car audio community.
After 13 years of military service, I launched PWK Designs; an acoustic engineering company that established my reputation in the audio industry, ultimately leading to my partnership with Audio Dynamics; a high end car audio speaker manufacturer. Today I live in Missouri with my wife Sophie, and apart from my role at Audio Dynamics, I’m also a YouTuber, a web developer, a graphic designer, a hobbyist music producer, and a maker.
Life is good!
Little Pete in The Mid-1980s Early 1990s: My FIRST Subwoofer Late 1990s: Things Kind of Snowballed This Was My FIRST Car Turntable Practice With MC Glory Mixing Live at The Genesis in DC The Western Asian Desert Making Music in Kuwait Getting Ready to Host a Sound-Off Alma Gates! The Entire Team Toxic Bass Early Version of My Software Fiberglassing a Lotus Bunny Ears! CRX Phase: Check! The Site of My New Office My Office at Audio Dynamics My Own Quiet Space